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Hi, I'm Kim

And I'm here to help you turn your passion of photography into a business you love.

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"You should start a business" they said....

"You'll be great at it!" they said...

But they forgot to say that - "you're going to need more than just amazing photography to make money as a photographer...."

And now - here you are - wondering how the hell do you actually make a living in this industry??

Bookings are slow, money is slower, and the whole business thing in general just feels bloody overwhelming and confusing.

And with so much information out there - how the hell do you know the right steps to take anyway?

This is where I come in - your new biz-bestie, mentor and business simplifier!

"You should start a business" they said....

"You'll be great at it!" they said...

But they forgot to say that - "you're going to need more than just amazing photography to make money as a photographer...."

And now - here you are - wondering how the hell do you actually make a living in this industry??

Bookings are slow, money is slower, and the whole business thing in general just feels bloody overwhelming and confusing.

And with so much information out there - how the hell do you know the right steps to take anyway?

This is where I come in - your new biz-bestie, mentor and business simplifier!

I'm here to help you go from broke, burnt out and overwhelmed - to confident business owner, making the income you desire and creating the flexibility and time-freedom that you started this for in the first place.

I'll give you the tools, systems and step-by-step guidance to create a business that fits YOU

- even if you're brand new, even if you're in a crowded market, and even if you already tried 'everything' else.

My story...from broke single mama to successful studio owner

When I first quit my job and decided to follow my dream of being a photographer - I had no idea how to run a business.

I was just 'winging it' and 'hoping' that it all kinda fell into place. (Spoiler - it didn't).

As a newly singe mama however - I knew I'd have to learn to become a business-woman if I was to provide for my son and avoid hitting the job trail.

So that's what I did!

I became relentless in my pursuit of knowledge, and I learnt that when it came to having a successful business - that it was the business systems in the back end (rather than the photography on the front -end ) that made all the difference!

This is what allowed me to build a mid-six-figure studio that finally gave me back my time, my life balance - all while earning a great income.

And best of all? When I was ready for a change in my career - I'd created a systemised, profitable asset that I could sell.

I created a business system that allowed me to to grow a successful portrait studio AND be a mum to my little boy - and I'm going to show you how you can do it too.

Here are 3 ways to get started

FREE Resources

Head over to my resources page and nab my freebies to help you get started!


Ready for results? Then learn more about my programs and services that can help you reach your business goals with a proven roadmap.

Let's Connect

Not sure of what you need right now? Simply send me a message and let's have a quick chat about where you're at, where you want to be and what's getting in the way.

"Joining Kim's coaching program was the single best thing I have done for my photography business. "

"Kim has practical 'on the ground' experience and advice about the business of portrait photography. She has been the best fit for me and my business and I am now thriving so much more than I ever could have imagined in only 9 months. Kim's programme is an absolute game changer if you are serious about creating a successful portrait business."


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